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Valentine’s Day Giveaway 2025


And the winner is….

Tammy Stagman from Platteville! 

Tammy had a special message to share: 

“To my husband Greg. You’re going through a lot right now. I’m right by your side and we’ll get through this together. To happier, healthier days ahead. I love you!” 

White Sage Day Spa: $50.00 gift card
Indulge Day Spa: Gift Bag
Desoto House: Dinner for 2 at Generals Restaurant
Sundown Mountain: (2) Ski Passes
Deery Bros: Oil Change
Ohnward Fine Arts Center: Classical Blast in Kilts tickets (2)
Butt’s Florist: A dozen roses
Holiday Inn Express:  Overnight Stay

Debbie: To my husband Mark, you have been my Valentine for over 40 year! How did I get so lucky, you are the best thing that has happened to me and I love you with all my heart!!

Lynne: Love to my husband Don, and my dog King.

Dustin: Happy 15 years to my wonderful Wife!

Dan: I Love You more everyday.

Miranda: I love you Joe!

Lori: Be kind, love everyone

Tabitha: Me and my boyfriend haven’t had a Valentine’s Day for three years Money‘s been tight

Tammy: To my husband Greg. You’re going through a lot right now. I’m right by your side and we’ll get through this together. To happier, healthier days ahead. I love you!

Tammy: Happy Valentine’s Day to my little loves Rylee and Kye

Dennis: I would love this package for me and my wife. We’ll be together 20 years the this year 🎉🙏

Christina: Happy Valentine’s Day to ME

Kris: Happy Valentine’s Day to my sweetheart! ❤️

Amy: Happy Valentines Day to my husband John…15 years down and many more to go. I love you!!

Laura: Happy valentines to my sons

Brittany: Happy 1st Valentine’s to my husband!

Frank: To my wife Dawn, although we’ve suffered many losses in the last year the one thing that we’ll never lose is each other.

Misty: Happy Valentines to my husband Matt!

Mike: Happy valentines day to my lovely wife.

Samantha: Happy Valentines to my hubby, and little ladies Brynnlee and Haylee!

Sarah: Roses are red, violets are blue, being in love is forever true ♥️

Tammy: Happy Valentine’s Day to my little loves Rylee and Kye

Amy: Happy Valentines Day to my husband John…15 years down and many more to go. I love you!!

Laura: Happy valentines to my sons

Brittnay: Happy 1st Valentine’s to my husband!

Frank: To my wife Dawn, although we’ve suffered many losses in the last year the one thing that we’ll never lose is each other

Misty: Happy Valentines to my husband Matt!

Mike: Happy valentines day to my lovely wife.

Samantha: Happy Valentines to my hubby, and little ladies Brynnlee and Haylee!

Diana: Love is in the air

Kayeleena: I want to wish everyone a happy Valentine’s day and a big shout out to my kids and their Father David for filling my heart with so much love!

Michelle: To my favorite person and the guy that stole my heart…♡♡♡ Love U more than I can say

Marissa: Love my hockey husband and children and my life – love is on the ice

Jamie: To love is to live in many houses with my spouse and 2 amazing children

Tracy: My husband and I would love to win this. After 35 years we’re both still alive, still in love and looking to see what the future brings us. It’s been an adventure!

Keelee: I love my hunny

Katelyn: A new mom who would love the chance to go on a date with her husband

Justin: I love my wife and I love my life hockey coach and husband and Dad to 3 amazing hockey boys

Jean Ann: Being happy, doesn’t mean everthing is perfect. It means you decided to look past the imperfections

Joey: Happy valentines day to my amazing wife , Kari!!! Love you to infinity and beyond!

Donald: Happy birthday to my wife on the 13th, then happy valentines day!!!!

Michelle: Happy Valentine’s Day to my husband Roger!

Kathy: I would love to give my partner some pampering!!

Tyler: To my wife – Love you!

Bruce: Would love to take wife out for a change with no kids

Neil: To my wife, Bernadette, with love… The best there is!

Aaron: Thank you Brit for all you do for us, Love Aaron

Ashley: My husband and I could really use a treat just for us

Debbie: To my husband Mark, you have been my Valentine for over 40 year! How did I get so lucky, you are the best thing that has happened to me and I love you with all my heart!!

Lynne: Love to my husband Don, and my dog King.

Dustin: Happy 15 years to my wonderful Wife!

Tammy: To my husband Greg. You’re going through a lot right now. I’m right by your side and we’ll get through this together. To happier, healthier days ahead. I love you!

Sarah: Roses are red, violets are blue, being in love is forever true

Sheila: I want to send a special valentines message to all my family and friends who are always supporting each other

Kelly: Happy Valentines Day to my hubby, Scott!

Diana: Andy: This year we celebrate 20 years of getting to know each other and 15 years of being married. I am so blessed and grateful that God placed you in my path. Thank you for being my best friend, supporter and confidant. Cheers to many more years together.