Valentine’s Day Giveaway 2025


And the winner is….

Tammy Stagman from Platteville! 

Tammy had a special message to share: 

“To my husband Greg. You’re going through a lot right now. I’m right by your side and we’ll get through this together. To happier, healthier days ahead. I love you!” 

White Sage Day Spa: $50.00 gift card
Indulge Day Spa: Gift Bag
Desoto House: Dinner for 2 at Generals Restaurant
Sundown Mountain: (2) Ski Passes
Deery Bros: Oil Change
Ohnward Fine Arts Center: Classical Blast in Kilts tickets (2)
Butt’s Florist: A dozen roses
Holiday Inn Express:  Overnight Stay

Debbie: To my husband Mark, you have been my Valentine for over 40 year! How did I get so lucky, you are the best thing that has happened to me and I love you with all my heart!!

Lynne: Love to my husband Don, and my dog King.

Dustin: Happy 15 years to my wonderful Wife!

Dan: I Love You more everyday.

Miranda: I love you Joe!

Lori: Be kind, love everyone

Tabitha: Me and my boyfriend haven’t had a Valentine’s Day for three years Money‘s been tight

Tammy: To my husband Greg. You’re going through a lot right now. I’m right by your side and we’ll get through this together. To happier, healthier days ahead. I love you!

Tammy: Happy Valentine’s Day to my little loves Rylee and Kye

Dennis: I would love this package for me and my wife. We’ll be together 20 years the this year 🎉🙏

Christina: Happy Valentine’s Day to ME

Kris: Happy Valentine’s Day to my sweetheart! ❤️

Amy: Happy Valentines Day to my husband John…15 years down and many more to go. I love you!!

Laura: Happy valentines to my sons

Brittany: Happy 1st Valentine’s to my husband!

Frank: To my wife Dawn, although we’ve suffered many losses in the last year the one thing that we’ll never lose is each other.

Misty: Happy Valentines to my husband Matt!

Mike: Happy valentines day to my lovely wife.

Samantha: Happy Valentines to my hubby, and little ladies Brynnlee and Haylee!

Sarah: Roses are red, violets are blue, being in love is forever true ♥️

Tammy: Happy Valentine’s Day to my little loves Rylee and Kye

Amy: Happy Valentines Day to my husband John…15 years down and many more to go. I love you!!

Laura: Happy valentines to my sons

Brittnay: Happy 1st Valentine’s to my husband!

Frank: To my wife Dawn, although we’ve suffered many losses in the last year the one thing that we’ll never lose is each other

Misty: Happy Valentines to my husband Matt!

Mike: Happy valentines day to my lovely wife.

Samantha: Happy Valentines to my hubby, and little ladies Brynnlee and Haylee!

Diana: Love is in the air

Kayeleena: I want to wish everyone a happy Valentine’s day and a big shout out to my kids and their Father David for filling my heart with so much love!

Michelle: To my favorite person and the guy that stole my heart…♡♡♡ Love U more than I can say

Marissa: Love my hockey husband and children and my life – love is on the ice

Jamie: To love is to live in many houses with my spouse and 2 amazing children

Tracy: My husband and I would love to win this. After 35 years we’re both still alive, still in love and looking to see what the future brings us. It’s been an adventure!

Keelee: I love my hunny 💗 💓 💕

Katelyn: A new mom who would love the chance to go on a date with her husband

Justin: I love my wife and I love my life hockey coach and husband and Dad to 3 amazing hockey boys

Jean Ann: Being happy, doesn’t mean everthing is perfect. It means you decided to look past the imperfections

Joey: Happy valentines day to my amazing wife , Kari!!! Love you to infinity and beyond!

Donald: Happy birthday to my wife on the 13th, then happy valentines day!!!!

Michelle: Happy Valentine’s Day to my husband Roger!

Kathy: I would love to give my partner some pampering!!

Tyler: To my wife – Love you!

Bruce: Would love to take wife out for a change with no kids

Neil: To my wife, Bernadette, with love… The best there is!

Aaron: Thank you Brit for all you do for us, Love Aaron

Ashley: My husband and I could really use a treat just for us

Debbie: To my husband Mark, you have been my Valentine for over 40 year! How did I get so lucky, you are the best thing that has happened to me and I love you with all my heart!!

Lynne: Love to my husband Don, and my dog King.

Dustin: Happy 15 years to my wonderful Wife!

Tammy: To my husband Greg. You’re going through a lot right now. I’m right by your side and we’ll get through this together. To happier, healthier days ahead. I love you!

Sarah: Roses are red, violets are blue, being in love is forever true

Sheila: I want to send a special valentines message to all my family and friends who are always supporting each other

Kelly: Happy Valentines Day to my hubby, Scott!

Diana: Andy: This year we celebrate 20 years of getting to know each other and 15 years of being married. I am so blessed and grateful that God placed you in my path. Thank you for being my best friend, supporter and confidant. Cheers to many more years together.

Butts Florist
Indulge Day Spa
Holiday Inn Express