Last night during a work session prior to the Dubuque City Council Meeting, the council was updated on a study commissioned by the Dubuque Racing Association about a potential sports complex on Chaplain Schmitt Island.
The study found a Sports Complex has the potential to create more than 1,000 jobs and generate at least 20 million dollars in annual revenue for local businesses.
The vision outlined would replace McAleece Park & Recreation Complex’s three softball diamonds and a baseball field with an updated college baseball diamond, softball field, and a multipurpose field, suitable for four soccer fields. A new indoor sports facility would also be built adjacent to a second sheet of ice at ImOn Ice Arena, featuring six basketball and eight pickleball courts.
The cost of building a multi-sport facility would be around $75 million dollars. Dubuque Mayor Brad Cavanagh says public-private partnerships would be necessary to pay for it.